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Unix-toolkit context

How does Miller fit within the Unix toolkit (grep, sed, awk, etc.)?

File-format awareness

Miller respects CSV headers. If you do mlr --csv cat *.csv then the header line is written once:

cat data/a.csv
cat data/b.csv
mlr --csv cat data/a.csv data/b.csv
mlr --csv sort -nr b data/a.csv data/b.csv

Likewise with mlr sort, mlr tac, and so on.

awk-like features: mlr filter and mlr put

  • mlr filter includes/excludes records based on a filter expression, e.g. mlr filter '$count > 10'.

  • mlr put adds a new field as a function of others, e.g. mlr put '$xy = $x * $y' or mlr put '$counter = NR'.

  • The $name syntax is straight from awk's $1 $2 $3 (adapted to name-based indexing), as are the variables FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NF, NR, and FILENAME. The ENV[...] syntax is from Ruby.

  • While awk functions are record-based, Miller subcommands (or verbs) are stream-based: each of them maps a stream of records into another stream of records.

  • Like awk, Miller (as of v5.0.0) allows you to define new functions within its put and filter expression language. Further programmability comes from chaining with then.

  • As with awk, $-variables are stream variables and all verbs (such as cut, stats1, put, etc.) as well as put/filter statements operate on streams. This means that you define actions to be done on each record and then stream your data through those actions. The built-in variables NF, NR, etc. change from one record to another, $x is a label for field x in the current record, and the input to sqrt($x) changes from one record to the next. The expression language for the put and filter verbs additionally allows you to define begin {...} and end {...} blocks for actions to be taken before and after records are processed, respectively.

  • As with awk, Miller's put/filter language lets you set @sum=0 before records are read, then update that sum on each record, then print its value at the end. Unlike awk, Miller makes syntactically explicit the difference between variables with extent across all records (names starting with @, such as @sum) and variables which are local to the current expression invocation (names starting without @, such as sum).

See also

See Verbs Reference for more on Miller's subcommands cat, cut, head, sort, tac, tail, top, and uniq, as well as DSL reference for more on the awk-like mlr filter and mlr put.