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Auxiliary commands

There are a few nearly-standalone programs which have a little to do with the rest of Miller, do not participate in record streams, and do not deal with file formats. They might as well be little standalone executables, but instead they're delivered within the main Miller executable for convenience.

mlr aux-list
Available entries:
  mlr aux-list
  mlr hex
  mlr lecat
  mlr termcvt
  mlr unhex
For more information, please invoke mlr {subcommand} --help.
mlr lecat --help
Usage: mlr lecat [options] {zero or more file names}
Simply echoes input, but flags CR characters in red and LF characters in green.
If zero file names are supplied, standard input is read.
--mono: don't try to colorize the output
-h or --help: print this message
mlr termcvt --help
Usage: mlr termcvt [option] {zero or more file names}
Option (exactly one is required):
-I in-place processing (default is to write to stdout)
-h or --help: print this message
Zero file names means read from standard input.
Output is always to standard output; files are not written in-place.
mlr hex --help
Usage: mlr hex [options] {zero or more file names}
Simple hex-dump.
If zero file names are supplied, standard input is read.
-r: print only raw hex without leading offset indicators or trailing ASCII dump.
-h or --help: print this message
mlr unhex --help
Usage: mlr unhex [option] {zero or more file names}
-h or --help: print this message
Zero file names means read from standard input.
Output is always to standard output; files are not written in-place.


echo 'Hello, world!' | mlr lecat --mono
Hello, world![LF]
echo 'Hello, world!' | mlr termcvt --lf2crlf | mlr lecat --mono
Hello, world![CR][LF]
mlr hex data/budget.csv
00000000: 23 20 41 73  61 6e 61 20  2d 2d 20 68  65 72 65 20 |# Asana -- here |
00000010: 61 72 65 20  74 68 65 20  62 75 64 67  65 74 20 66 |are the budget f|
00000020: 69 67 75 72  65 73 20 79  6f 75 20 61  73 6b 65 64 |igures you asked|
00000030: 20 66 6f 72  21 0a 74 79  70 65 2c 71  75 61 6e 74 | for!.type,quant|
00000040: 69 74 79 0a  70 75 72 70  6c 65 2c 34  35 36 2e 37 |ity.purple,456.7|
00000050: 38 0a 67 72  65 65 6e 2c  36 37 38 2e  31 32 0a 6f |,678.12.o|
00000060: 72 61 6e 67  65 2c 31 32  33 2e 34 35  0a          |range,123.45.|
mlr hex -r data/budget.csv
23 20 41 73  61 6e 61 20  2d 2d 20 68  65 72 65 20 
61 72 65 20  74 68 65 20  62 75 64 67  65 74 20 66 
69 67 75 72  65 73 20 79  6f 75 20 61  73 6b 65 64 
20 66 6f 72  21 0a 74 79  70 65 2c 71  75 61 6e 74 
69 74 79 0a  70 75 72 70  6c 65 2c 34  35 36 2e 37 
38 0a 67 72  65 65 6e 2c  36 37 38 2e  31 32 0a 6f 
72 61 6e 67  65 2c 31 32  33 2e 34 35  0a          
mlr hex -r data/budget.csv | sed 's/20/2a/g' | mlr unhex

Additionally, mlr help, mlr repl, and mlr regtest are implemented here.