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Processing Kubectl and Helm output

The kubectl and helm commands produce tabular-looking output, which Miller can parse -- however, there's a bit of whitespace-handling to be dealt with first.

Whitespace structure of kubectl

The output of kubectl looks tabular -- so PPRINT format is perhaps a good choice.

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get pods | head
NAME                      READY STATUS    RESTARTS AGE
app-5mjwm4-274754k8468    0/1   Completed 0        6m51s
app-5mjwm4-274754vdfnf    0/1   Completed 0        6m50s
app-5mjwm4-0              1/1   Running   0        6h8m
app-5mjwm4-27475nt9cc     0/1   Completed 0        6m53s
app-5mjwm4-27474454-dc7wq 0/1   Error     0        16h
app-5mjwm4-27475416-tv2ff 0/1   Completed 0        56s
app-5mjwm4-2747541t7lgk   0/1   Completed 0        115s
app-5mjwm4-27475245-7sg9r 0/1   Completed 0        171m
app-5mjwm4-27475410-k4gcr 0/1   Completed 0        6m52s

We can verify this using kubectl -n my-namespace get pods | vim -, then :set list within vim; or, perhaps piping the output to cat -t, or bat -A -- in any case what looks like whitespace is really all space characters.

To double-check, it's helpful to run tabular-looking output through a format-converter, and make sure the column headers are being correctly identified as keys, and the remaining lines are being correctly identified as values:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get pods | mlr --ipprint --ojson head -n 1
  "NAME": "app-5mjwm4-274754k8468",
  "READY": "0/1",
  "STATUS": "Completed",
  "RESTARTS": 0,
  "AGE": "14m"


Suppose we want to sort the information for non-completed pods by age. We can use dhms2sec to turn the AGE into something sortable.

$ kubectl -n service-xyz get pods \
  | mlr --pprint \
    filter '$STATUS != "Completed"' \
    then put '$AGESEC = dhms2sec($AGE)' \
    then sort -n AGESEC
NAME                              READY STATUS  RESTARTS AGE   AGESEC
app1-1500-5mjwm4-0                1/1   Running 0        6h22m 22920
app1-1624-6dh711-0                1/1   Running 0        6h27m 23220
app1-1500-pqb9b4-0                1/1   Running 0        6h30m 23400
app1-gbwuwi-2747495lbtzg          0/1   Error   0        7h59m 28740
app1-gbwuwi-0                     1/1   Running 0        8h    28800
app1-gbwuwi-27474955r8gq          0/1   Error   0        8h    28800
app1-gbwuwi-27474956rps8          0/1   Error   0        8h    28800
app1-gbwuwi-2747495q7fnz          0/1   Error   0        8h    28800
app1-gbwuwi-2747495vnxgn          0/1   Error   0        8h    28800
app1-gbwuwi-674ddcfd89-2jt64      2/2   Running 0        8h    28800
app3-5c79574b69-8njgr             2/2   Running 0        9h    32400
app3-5c79574b69-np2qj             2/2   Running 0        9h    32400
app3-a56i7c-0                     1/1   Running 0        13h   46800
app3-a56i7c-587dfc99cf-zrr4t      2/2   Running 0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-274746pfbfd      0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-274746jtz8t      0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-274746pmmhq      0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-27474624h8fp     0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-2747462d8n96     0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-2747462xnmcf     0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app2-1500-pqb9b4-27474630-95668   0/1   Error   0        13h   46800
app1-1500-pqb9b4-sr5vd            2/2   Running 0        13h   46800
app1-1500-5mjwm4-27474454-dc7wq   0/1   Error   0        16h   57600
app1-1500-5mjwm4-667c6fc66d-b97m9 2/2   Running 0        16h   57600
app1-1624-6dh711-2747435h42j      0/1   Error   0        17h   61200
app1-1624-6dh711-27474370-ph25r   0/1   Error   0        17h   61200
app1-1624-6dh711-74fb5cf9d6-cl5tq 2/2   Running 0        17h   61200

Whitespace structure of helm list

The output of helm list is a bit fussier. Here it's already clear that something's amiss, since not everything lines up:

$ helm list
NAME                      NAMESPACE   REVISION  UPDATED                                 STATUS    CHART                     APP VERSION
appdev-an-sc-1500-5mjwm4  service-xyz 1         2022-03-28 11:33:05.389975262 +0000 UTC deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12
appdev-exyzv-load-a56i7c  service-xyz 1         2022-03-28 14:45:35.44317196 +0000 UTC  deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12
appdev-sa-sc-1500-pqb9b4  service-xyz 1         2022-03-28 14:24:33.978580048 +0000 UTC deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12
appdev-sa-sc-1624-6dh711  service-xyz 1         2022-03-28 10:09:05.966332699 +0000 UTC deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12
appdev-wertzxyffa-gbwuwi  service-xyz 1         2022-03-28 19:47:34.96763583 +0000 UTC  deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12
staging                   service-xyz 797       2022-03-28 18:39:34.005120936 +0000 UTC deployed  appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12

This isn't likely to be PPRINT format, as we soon see. Also note that the space before +0000 is an issue.

$ helm list | mlr --ipprint --ojson cat
mlr :  mlr: CSV header/data length mismatch 7 != 5 at filename (stdin) line  2.

Running through bat -A or cat -t shows an issue. Namely, the Helm authors are mixing tabs and spaces -- cat -t shows tabs as ^I:

$ helm list | cat -t
NAME                    ^INAMESPACE  ^IREVISION^IUPDATED                                ^ISTATUS  ^ICHART                   ^IAPP VERSION
appdev-an-sc-1500-5mjwm4^Iservice-xyz^I1       ^I2022-03-28 11:33:05.389975262 +0000 UTC^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I
appdev-exyzv-load-a56i7c^Iservice-xyz^I1       ^I2022-03-28 14:45:35.44317196 +0000 UTC ^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I
appdev-sa-sc-1500-pqb9b4^Iservice-xyz^I1       ^I2022-03-28 14:24:33.978580048 +0000 UTC^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I
appdev-sa-sc-1624-6dh711^Iservice-xyz^I1       ^I2022-03-28 10:09:05.966332699 +0000 UTC^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I
appdev-wertzxyffa-gbwuwi^Iservice-xyz^I1       ^I2022-03-28 19:47:34.96763583 +0000 UTC ^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I
staging                 ^Iservice-xyz^I797     ^I2022-03-28 18:39:34.005120936 +0000 UTC^Ideployed^Iappdev-cloud-test-7.1.12^I

This mix of tabs and spaces, while not PPRINT, also isn't quite TSV either. As above, it's helpful to run tabular-looking data through a format-converter to see how it's structured:

$ helm list | mlr --itsv --ojson head -n 1
  "NAME                    ": "appdev-an-sc-1500-5mjwm4",
  "NAMESPACE  ": "service-xyz",
  "REVISION": "1       ",
  "UPDATED                                ": "2022-03-28 11:33:05.389975262 +0000 UTC",
  "STATUS  ": "deployed",
  "CHART                   ": "appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12",
  "APP VERSION": "           "

A solution here is Miller's clean-whitespace verb:

$ helm list | mlr --itsv --ojson clean-whitespace then head -n 1
  "NAME": "appdev-an-sc-1500-5mjwm4",
  "NAMESPACE": "service-xyz",
  "REVISION": "1       ",
  "UPDATED": "2022-03-28 11:33:05.389975262 +0000 UTC",
  "STATUS ": "deployed",
  "CHART": "appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12",

Now we have the keys and values correctly identified within the tabular-looking data.


To find oldest items, it would suffice to sort by the UPDATED column, as that sorts lexically. However, let's parse the timestamps and compute their ages from the present:

$ helm list \
  | mlr --itsv --opprint clean-whitespace \
    then put '$AGESEC = int(systime() - strptime($UPDATED, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f +0000 UTC"))' \
    then sort -n AGESEC \
    then cut -x -f 'APP VERSION,UPDATED'
NAME                     NAMESPACE   REVISION STATUS   CHART                    AGESEC
appdev-sa-sc-1624-6dh711 service-xyz 1        deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 30874
appdev-an-sc-1500-5mjwm4 service-xyz 797      deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 34955
appdev-sa-sc-1500-pqb9b4 service-xyz 1        deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 48993
appdev-xxyzv-load-a56i7c service-xyz 1        deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 50255
staging                  service-xyz 1        deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 60543
appdev-wertzxyffa-gbwuwi service-xyz 1        deployed appdev-cloud-test-7.1.12 65583

Extracting fields to be acted on

Switching to NIDX format lets us extract fields and pass them onto other commands -- e.g. helm uninstall. We just need to switch the output format to --onidx, then cut out the NAME field. (Maybe add then filter $AGESEC > 86400 or somesuch.)

$ helm list \
  | mlr --itsv --onidx clean-whitespace \
    then put '$UPDATED = ssub($UPDATED, " +0000 UTC", "")' \
    then put '$AGESEC = int(systime() - strptime($UPDATED, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))' \
    then sort -n AGESEC \
    then cut -f NAME \
  | tee names.txt


$ for name in $(cat names.txt); do helm uninstall $name; done