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Miller as a library

Very initially and experimentally, as of Miller 6.9.1, Go developers will be able to access Miller source code --- moved from internal/pkg/ to pkg/ --- within their own Go projects.

Caveat emptor: Miller's backward-compatibility guarantees are at the CLI level; API is not guaranteed stable. For this reason, please be careful with your version pins.

I'm happy to discuss this new area further at the discussions page.


$ mkdir use-mlr

$ cd cd use-mlr

$ go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module

# One of:
$ go get
$ go get
# Etc.

$ go mod tidy

One example use

package main

import (


func main() {
    a := mlrval.FromInt(2)
    b := mlrval.FromInt(60)
    c := bifs.BIF_pow(a, b)
$ go build main1.go
$ ./main1

Or simply:

$ go run main1.go

Another example use

// This is an example of using Miller as a library.
package main

import (


// Put your record-processing logic here.
func custom_record_processor(irac *types.RecordAndContext) (*types.RecordAndContext, error) {
    irec := irac.Record

    v := irec.Get("i")
    if v == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not find key \"i\" at filename %s record number %d",
            irac.Context.FILENAME, irac.Context.FNR,
    v2 := bifs.BIF_times(v, v)
    irec.PutReference("i2", v2)

    return irac, nil

// Put your various options here.
func custom_options() *cli.TOptions {
    return &cli.TOptions{
        ReaderOptions: cli.TReaderOptions{
            InputFileFormat: "csv",
            IFS:             ",",
            IRS:             "\n",
            RecordsPerBatch: 1,
        WriterOptions: cli.TWriterOptions{
            OutputFileFormat: "json",

// This function you don't need to modify.
func run_custom_processor(
    fileNames []string,
    options *cli.TOptions,
    record_processor func (irac *types.RecordAndContext) (*types.RecordAndContext, error),
) error {
    outputStream := os.Stdout
    outputIsStdout := true

    // Since Go is concurrent, the context struct needs to be duplicated and
    // passed through the channels along with each record.
    initialContext := types.NewContext()

    // Instantiate the record-reader.
    // RecordsPerBatch is tracked separately from ReaderOptions since join/repl
    // may use batch size of 1.
    recordReader, err := input.Create(&options.ReaderOptions, options.ReaderOptions.RecordsPerBatch)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Set up the channels for the record-reader.
    readerChannel := make(chan *list.List, 2) // list of *types.RecordAndContext
    inputErrorChannel := make(chan error, 1)
    // Not needed in this example
    readerDownstreamDoneChannel := make(chan bool, 1)

    // Instantiate the record-writer
    recordWriter, err := output.Create(&options.WriterOptions)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    bufferedOutputStream := bufio.NewWriter(outputStream)

    // Start the record-reader.
    go recordReader.Read(
        fileNames, *initialContext, readerChannel, inputErrorChannel, readerDownstreamDoneChannel)

    // Loop through the record stream.
    var retval error
    done := false
    for !done {
        select {

        case ierr := <-inputErrorChannel:
            retval = ierr

        case iracs := <-readerChannel:
            // Handle the record batch
            for e := iracs.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
                irac := e.Value.(*types.RecordAndContext)
                if irac.Record != nil {
                    orac, err := record_processor(irac)
                    if err != nil {
                        retval = err
                        done = true
                    recordWriter.Write(orac.Record, bufferedOutputStream, outputIsStdout)
                if irac.OutputString != "" {
                    fmt.Fprintln(bufferedOutputStream, irac.OutputString)
                if irac.EndOfStream {
                    done = true



    return retval

func main() {
    options := custom_options()
    err := run_custom_processor(os.Args[1:], options, custom_record_processor)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
$ go build main2.go
{"a": "pan", "b": "pan", "i": 1, "x": 0.3467901443380824, "y": 0.7268028627434533, "i2": 1}
{"a": "eks", "b": "pan", "i": 2, "x": 0.7586799647899636, "y": 0.5221511083334797, "i2": 4}
{"a": "wye", "b": "wye", "i": 3, "x": 0.20460330576630303, "y": 0.33831852551664776, "i2": 9}
{"a": "eks", "b": "wye", "i": 4, "x": 0.38139939387114097, "y": 0.13418874328430463, "i2": 16}
{"a": "wye", "b": "pan", "i": 5, "x": 0.5732889198020006, "y": 0.8636244699032729, "i2": 25}$ ./main2 data/small.csv